Our community programs are currently closed and we are only seeing clients in-office for essential appointments. Most appointments are being done by phone. This includes medical, therapy, and dietitian appointments, as well as outreach and housing drop ins. If you would like to book an appointment please call 519-539-1111. Follow the prompts for individual extensions or press 0 to speak with a receptionist.
If you are experiencing the following:
- Severe difficulty breathing (for example, struggling for each breath or speaking in single words)
- Severe chest pain
- Having a very hard time waking up from sleep
- Feeling confused
- Loss of consciousness
Call 911 or go straight to your nearest emergency department
If you have developed flu like symptoms such as fever, new or worsening cough, difficulty breathing please self-isolate at home and take this online self- assessment here, https://covid-19.ontario.ca/self-assessment/#q0. If you are unable to access this online please call 519 539-1111 and press 0 to take self-assessment with reception.
In order to protect yourself and your loved ones remain at home, stay six feet away from others (physical distancing) and wash your hands frequently!